just chill out please
pondelok 5. novembra 2012
sobota 3. novembra 2012
All day,all night.
Tu sú nejaké fotky z imaktrikulácie čo som spomínala,bolo úžasne.Teším sa na ďalšiu...:)
Here are some pictures from party that i mentioned,we had an amazing time,looking forward to another...:)
..and party and bullshit.
Here are some pictures from party that i mentioned,we had an amazing time,looking forward to another...:)
..and party and bullshit.
piatok 2. novembra 2012
štvrtok 1. novembra 2012
streda 31. októbra 2012
Happy Halloween..Booo
Nejaké plány na Halloween?párty alebo trick or treat? :) Sľúbte,že sa nebudete smiať ale keď som mala asi 10 rokov išli sme s kamarátkami trick or treating a bolo to tak strašne trápne,že si ani neviete predstaviť.Viete,že na Slovensku to nijak nepraktizujeme tak si viete predstaviť reakcie ľudí...ale po hodine sme mali jablko a 20 korún.Never more. :)
Včera sme mali imatrikuláciu,teda prváci ju mali my starší sme sa boli iba zabaviť.A bolo super.Začalo to klasickými úlohami pre prvákov ale potom nabehla kapelka Papyllon začala riadna párty.Spolužiačke dal spevák dokonca aj vodu,trsátko a bubeník paličku.yaay!
Ale iné som chcela.Dúfam,že si Halloween poriadne užijete,vyrežete strašidelnú tekvicu alebo tak.Muahahahaaaa.....
Any plans for Halloween?Party or trick or treat?When I was 10,I went trick or treating with my friends and it was soo embarrassing,you can't imagine. :) You know,in Slovakia we don't do that at all so you can imagine people's reactions...but after an hour we had an apple and 20 slovak crowns (about 70 cents now).Never more...:)
We had a Welcome party for new students yesterday and we had so much fun!The band (Papyllon) was amazing and they even gave us their water because we were all thirsty. :)
I hope that you enjoy Halloween.Muahahahaaaa....
Včera sme mali imatrikuláciu,teda prváci ju mali my starší sme sa boli iba zabaviť.A bolo super.Začalo to klasickými úlohami pre prvákov ale potom nabehla kapelka Papyllon začala riadna párty.Spolužiačke dal spevák dokonca aj vodu,trsátko a bubeník paličku.yaay!
Ale iné som chcela.Dúfam,že si Halloween poriadne užijete,vyrežete strašidelnú tekvicu alebo tak.Muahahahaaaa.....
Any plans for Halloween?Party or trick or treat?When I was 10,I went trick or treating with my friends and it was soo embarrassing,you can't imagine. :) You know,in Slovakia we don't do that at all so you can imagine people's reactions...but after an hour we had an apple and 20 slovak crowns (about 70 cents now).Never more...:)
We had a Welcome party for new students yesterday and we had so much fun!The band (Papyllon) was amazing and they even gave us their water because we were all thirsty. :)
I hope that you enjoy Halloween.Muahahahaaaa....
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